- Crematoria situated at:
- Aabenraa, Aalborg, Aarhus
- Esbjerg
- Fælleskrem. Kolding
- Fælleskrem. Ringsted
- Frederiksberg
- Hillerød
- Hjørring
- Holstebro
- Horsens
- Odense
- Randers
- Rønne
- Silkeborg
- Svendborg
- Greater Copenhagen (5) (Kbh.(Ballerup/Bispebjeg/Glostrup/Sundby/Søndermark)
Gentofte, Lyngby and Struer crematoria closed 31st December 2010
Gladsaxe and Vejle crematoria closed in 2011
Helsingør, Holbæk, Køge, Næstved, Nakskov, Nykøbing F., Roskilde and Slagelse crematoria closed in 2013
*Statistics of cremations
Cremations |
Total Deaths |
% of Deaths |
2021 |
48,951 |
57,152 |
85.65 |
2022 |
51,435 |
59,246 |
86.82 |
- Cremation Organisation (a):
- Danske Krematoriers Landsforening
c/o Hjørring Kirkegård,
Aldershøjvej 11
9800, Hjørring, Denmark
- President:
- Tom Olsen
- Date of foundation:
- 1983
- Number of members:
- 20
- Cremation Organisation (b):
- Landsforeningen LIV & DØD
Nikolaj Plads 27
1067 Kobenhavn K
- President:
- Michael Hviid Jacobsen
- Chief Executive Officer:
- Kirsten Søndergaard
- Date of foundation:
- 1881