- Number of gas furnace cremation facilities: 8
- Situated at:
- Lashibi Funeral Home, Accra (opened in 2011)
- Number of open pyre cremators: 7
- Cremators situated at:
- Accra (1977)
- Akim Oda (2010)
- Cape Coast (1970s)
- Koforidua (2002)
- Kumasi (1993)
- Sekondi (2007)
- Takoradi (1960s)
*Statistics of cremations
Cremations |
Total Deaths |
% of Deaths |
2018 |
5,075 |
76,050 |
6.67 |
2019 |
5,176 |
80,792 |
6.41 |
- *Latest figures available
- Cremation Organisation:
- Ridge Cremation and Funeral Service
P.O.Box LT 720
Latebiokorshie, Accra
West Africa
- President:
- Joe A Quarcoo
- Secretary:
- Godfried A Otu
- Treasurer:
- Mahesh Gokaldas
- Date of foundation:
- 1977
- Number of members:
- +3,000