- Number of crematoria: Approximately 1,373
Crematoria situated in:
- Aira-City (4 cremators)
- Gujoh-City (3 cremators)
- Iwaki-City (3 cremators)
- Kama-City (4 cremators)
- Kawagoe-City (12 cremators)
- Kawaguchi-City (10 cremators)
- Maniwa-City (4 cremators)
- Minamiise-Town (2 cremators)
- Mitoyo-City (3 cremators)
- Nagaoka-City (3 cremators)
- Shizuoka-City (8 cremators)
- Tomari-Village (1 cremator)
*Statistics of cremations
Cremations |
Total Deaths |
% of Deaths |
2020 |
1,429,840 |
1,430,233 |
99.97 |
2021 |
*1,512,511 |
1,512,973 |
99.97 |
- *Latest figures obtainable
- Cremation Organisation:
- Japan Society of Environmental Crematory
(Nihon Kankyo Saien Kyokai)
10-6 Yotsuyakami tyou
210-0828 Japan
- President:
- Mr Akio Okumura
- Secretary:
- Mr Hiroshi Kanematsu
- Treasurer:
- Mr Yuji Moriyama
- Date of foundation:
- 1972
- Number of members:
- Enterprise members: 33
Municipal members: 20
Personal members: 29
Scientific members: 7
- Name of journal:
- Kankyo Saien (Journal of Environmental Crematory)
- Date of foundation:
- 1981
- Published:
- annually
- Circulation:
- 750
- Editor:
- Mr Hakoto Hasegawa