The Majestic Hotel, Harrogate, North Yokshire
Wednesday 9th, Thursday 10th and Friday 11th July 2003
14.15 hrs
Opening of Conference and Presidential Address, the Rt. Hon. the Earl Grey
14.30 hrs
Issues about Music at Crematoria, Revd Dr Kenneth Lysons MA., M.Ed., Ph.D., Dipl.P.A., Ac.Dip.Ed., D.M.S., F.C.I.S.
15.10 hrs
Reclamation and Dispoaal of Implants - Ethical and Practical Considerations, Mr Leif Arffmann, Denmark and Mr Fok de Wit, The Netherlands
"Break-Out" session
19.00 hrs
Welcome Evening and Viewing of Exhibition
9.30 hrs
The Domestic and International Approach to Controlling Crematoria, Mr Richard Moxon, B.Sc.(London), Chairman of OSPAR�s Hazardous Substances Committee and Mr Mike Etkind, B.A.(Oxon), M.A., Air Quality Division, Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
10.30 hrs
10.45 hrs
'Sacred and Proganne' The Architecture of British Crematoria 1980 to the Present Day, Dr Hilary J Grainger, BA(Hons), Ph.D., FRSA. Associate Dean and Head of Historical and Professional Studies, Staffordshire University
11.30 hrs
Dealing with Disaster, Dr Anne Eyre BA, Ph.D, MIEM, Trauma Training
12.45 hrs
Delegates' Lunch
14.30 hrs
The International Cremation Federation - The Future, by Henry Keizer, Secretary-General, The International Cremation Federation
14.50 hrs
Cremation and Cultural Change, Professor Douglas J Davies, BA, MLitt., Ph.D., Hon. Dr. Theol., Professor in the Study of Religion, University of Durham
15.30 hrs
The Feasibility of Urban Cremtora in Italy, Dr Anna Santarsiero, M.Sc. Chemical Engineering, Senior Scientist, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome
16.15 hrs
9.30 hrs
The Demise of the Funeral Ombudsman Scheme - The Aftermath, Professor Geoffrey Woodroffe, MA(Cantab), Director of the Centre for Consumer and Commercial Law at Brunel University
10.15 hrs
The European Funeral Standard, Mr Adrian Haler, F.B.I.E., Chairman, Funeral Services Technical Committee (facilitated by British Standards Institute)
10.45 hrs
11.00 hrs
Opening Geoffrey Gorer's Door: A Personal Overview of Funerals 1983-2003, Dr Maura J A Naylor BSc(Hons), Ph.D
11.30 hrs
Funeral Rights - Who Has the Final Say?, Claire Rainer and Lorinda Sheasby, B.A.(Hons), Dip. M., MCIM, Funeralcare (part of the Co-operative group)
Break for lunch
14.30 hrs
Medical Referees - The Way Forward, Dr W D S McLay, OBE, M.B., Ch.B, LL.B, F.R.C.S., President, The Association of Medical Referees
15.00 hrs
Presidents' Panel
Geoffrey Woodroffe, Moderator
Justin Burgess, President, Society of Allied and Independant Funeral Directors
Kate Day, President, Confederaton of Burial Authorities
Gordon Dixon, President, Federation of Cremation Authorities
Kenneth Gilmore, President, British Institute of Funeral Directors
Adam Miles, President, National Association of Funeral Directors
Closing of Conference
19.30 hrs
Conference Banquet