The Highcliff Marriott Hotel, Bournemouth
Wednesday 14th, Thursday 15th and Friday 16th July 2004
14.15 hrs
Opening of the Conference, Professor Geoffrey Woodroofe, Member of the Council of the Cremation Society
Presidential Address, the Rt. Hon. the Earl Grey
14.30 hrs
The Return of Personal Property after Death and Disaster - Is There a Case for a National Standard?, by Lucy C Payne LLB, MSC, MICDDS, MIEM
"Break-Out" session
15.15 hrs
From Welbeck to Woking:William Garstin and the First Cremations, by Dr Brian Parsons BA(Hons), PhD, MBIE, DipFD, MBIFD
19.00 hrs
Welcome Evening and Viewing of Exhibition
One-Day Seminar What is Respectful Disposal?
9.30 hrs
Opening by Chairman, Revd Dr Peter Jupp MA, MTh, MSc, PhD, FRSA. Chairman of the Council of the Cremation Society, Former Director: National Funerals College (Dead Citizens Charter)
9.35 hrs
Persons, Bodies and Harming the Dead, Dr Piers Benn, MA, MPhil, PhD, Lecturer in Medical Ethics, Imperial College, London University
9.50 hrs
Respectful Disposal - A Christian Perspective, The Rt Revd Dr Geoffrey Rowell, Bishop of Gibraltar in Europe, Chairman: Churches' Group on Funeral Services
10.05 hrs
Dignity and Identity in Life and Death, Professor Douglas Davies BA, M Litt, Ph.D, Hon. Dr. Theol., Professor in the Study of Religion and Head of Department of Theology at the University of Durham
10.20 hrs
10.45 hrs
Respectful Disposal - Who Decides?, Anne Viney BA CertEd, CQSW, MBA, Chief Executive, Cruse Bereavement Care
11.00 hrs
Rest in Pieces!, Mr Tony McCarthy MBIE, DipFD, BIFD. Past Council Member: Funeral Ombudsman Scheme, Past President, Funeral Standards Council, Co-operative Funeral Service Managers' Association
11.15 hrs
"Break-Out" Session and Discussion
12.45 hrs
Delegates' Lunch
14.30 hrs
Respectful Disposal - A Pathologist's Perspective, Dr Stephen Leadbeatter MB ChB Bristol 1980, MRCPath 1989, DMJ (Path),Senior Lecturer/Consultant in Forensic Pathology, University of Wales College of Medicine
14.45 hrs
Meeting Families' Needs following the Death of a Baby, Whatever the Gestation, Ms Jenni Thomas OBE, Member of the Retained Organs Commission
15.00 hrs
Meaningful Funeral Services, Ms Julie Dunk, past President of the Institute of Cemetery & Crematorium Management
15.15 hrs
Respectful Disposal - A Perspective from the Dead Citizens' Charter, Revd Dr Peter Jupp MA, MTh, MSc, PhD, FRSA.
15.30 hrs
"Break-Out" Session
16.00 hrs
10.00 hrs
The New Process Guidance Notes - Are You Ready?, by Dr Clive Chamberlain BSc, PhD, CEng, FInstE, FIGas; Director, Combustion Technology Consultancy Ltd
10.30 hrs
"Break-Out" Session
10.50 hrs
11.20 hrs
Emissions Trading in the Cremation Environment, by Dr Peter Bedson BSc, PhD, Associate Director, IPA Energy Consulting
10.50 hrs
"Break-Out" Session (20 minutes) followed by questions to both speakers (20 minutes)
Break for lunch
14.15 hrs
Resistance, Renewal of Reinvention? The Removal of Ashes from Crematoria, by Dr David Prendergast BA Hons, MPhil, PhD; Research Associate, University of Sheffield, Professor Jenny Hockey BA, PhD; Professor of Sociology, University of Sheffield and Leonie Kellaher BSc; Principal Research Officer, London Metropolitan University
15.00 hrs
Presidents' Panel
Moderator: Mr Harvey Thomas CBE
Isabel Mattick, President, Federation of British Cremation Authorities
Audrey Antoniuk, President, British Institute of Funeral Directors
Gillian Huteson, President, National Association of Funeral Directors
Mary Fairbairn, President, National Association of Memorial Masons
Closing of Conference
19.30 hrs
Conference Banquet