The Imperial Hotel, Torquay
Wednesday 13th, Thursday 13th and Friday 15th July 2005
14.15 hrs
Opening of the Conference, Dr Stephen Leadbeatter, Member of the Council of the Cremation Society
Presidential Address, the Rt. Hon. the Earl Grey
14.30 hrs
Death Redesigned: The Architecture of British Crematoria by Professor Hilary J Grainger, BA(Hons), Ph.D., FRSA, Associate Dean of The School of Art and Design, University of Wolverhampton
15.15 hrs
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 by Mr Terence Thompson, Investigative Journalist
19.00 hrs
Welcome Evening and Viewing of Exhibition
9.45 hrs
Opening by Chairman, by Stephen White, Member of the Council of the Cremation Society
10.05 hrs
An Argument for Environmentally Friendly, Natural Burial, by Josefine Speyer, co-founder and former co-director of the Natural Death Centre and co-editor ofthe fourth edition of the Natural Death Handbook (2003)
10.25 hrs
Social Changes in Values May Lead to a Repositioning of Cremation in Society, by Professor Douglas Davies BA, M Litt, Ph.D, Hon. Dr. Theol., Professor in the Study of Religion and Head of Department of Theology at the University of Durham
10.45 hrs
Cremation as Violence by Dr Piers Benn M.A., MPhil, PhD, Lecturer in Medical Ethics and Law, Imperial College, London
11.05 hrs
11.30 hrs
Cremation - Covering up Crime - Fact or Fiction? by Dr Stephen Leadbeatter MB ChB Bristol 1980, MRCPath 1989, DMJ (Path), Senior Lecturer/Consultant in Forensic Pathology, Wales Institute of Forensic Medicine, Wales College of Medicine, Cardiff University
11.50 hrs
"Break-Out" Session followed by Questions
12.45 hrs
Delegates' Lunch
14.30 hrs
Opening of the Afternoon Session by Revd Dr Peter Jupp
Religious Objections to Cremation
(Panel of Religious Representatives)
14.35 hrs
Out of the Ashes: Jewish Attitudes to Cremation by Mr Frank Gent, B.A.(Oxon.), M.A.(Leics.)
14.55 hrs
The Islamic Attitude to Cremation by Imam Mohammed Saeid
15.15 hrs
Why Greek Orthodox People do not Like their Dead Cremated by Professor Emeritus Peter Loizos
15.35 hrs
Why Roman Catholics Prefer Burial Monsignor Kevin McGinnell
15.50 hrs
"Break-Out" Session
16.15 hrs
Speakers' Panel
9.30 hrs
From Grit to Mercury: 50 Years of Crematoria Abatement and the Role of CAMEO by Mr Brendan Day MBA, F.I.C.C.M.(Dip), Scheme's Technical Officer
10.00 hrs
10.15 hrs
Cremator Emissions Removal Device by Mr Tom Marshall, B.Sc., D.M.S., M.B.A, C.Eng., F.I.E.E, Managing Director, Clean Air (Formaldehyde) Ltd
10.45 hrs
11.00 hrs
11.15 hrs
Heat Recovery from Cremators as Part of a Filter System in Crematorium "De Boskamp" Assen by Mr Paul Dijkstra, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Stichting Rouwcentrum "De Boskamp"
11.45 hrs
12.00 hrs
Promession by Susanne Wiigh-M�sak, B.A., Biologist, Promessa Organic AB
12.30 hrs
Break for lunch
14.15 hrs
Where are we with Secular Funerals? by John Pearce, M.A., Dip.Ed., Dip.Theol., Institute of Civil Funerals
14.45 hrs
15.00 hrs
Presidents' Panel
Moderator: Mr Harvey Thomas CBE
Isabel Mattick, President, Federation of British Cremation Authorities
Jenny Gregson, President, National Association of Memorial Masons
Nigel Lymn Rose, President, National Association of Funeral Directors
Allan Sinclair, President, British Institute of Funeral Directors
David MacColl, President, Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management
Closing of Conference
19.30 hrs
Conference Banquet