The Bournemouth Highcliff Marriott Hotel
Wednesday 12th, Thursday 13th and Friday 14th July 2006
14.15 hrs
Opening of the Conference, Mr Tony McCarthy, Member of the Council of the Cremation Society
Presidential Address, the Rt. Hon. the Earl Grey
14.30 hrs
New Cremation (Amendment) Regulations 2006 by Brian Patterson, Department for Constitutional Affairs
14.50 hrs
The Human Tissue Act and Codes of Practice by Helen Shaw BA (Combined Hons), Human Tissue Authority
15.20 hrs
Funeral Pyres and the Law in England and Wales by Stephen White MSc (Wales), BA (Oxon), Dip. Crem. (Cantab), Visiting Lecturer, Cardiff Law School, University of Wales
"Break Out" Session
19.00 hrs
Welcome Evening and Viewing of Exhibition
9.30 hrs
Opening by Chairman, Revd. Dr. Peter Jupp, Member of the Council of the Cremation Society
09.40 hrs
A Funeral Director's View by Colin Rickman Dip.F.D., Co-operative Funeral Service; and Robin S E Scott Dip.F.D., Managing Director of Deric-Scott Funeral Directors
10.10 hrs
Civil Ceremonies - A Celebrant's Perspective, by Anne Barber BA (Hons), Managing Director of Civil Ceremonies Ltd, Civil Funerals and Ceremony Training Ltd, and founder and Chairman of The Institute of Civil Funerals
10.25 hrs
Turning the Ordinary in the Extra-Ordinary by Revd. J Hugh A James BA, M.Phil., Vicar and Area Dean of Kidwelly, West Wales
10.40 hrs
Hindu Cremation in the UK by Kishor Ruparelia, General Secretary of the UK branch of Vishaw Hindu Parishad (World Council of Hindus)
10.55 hrs
11.15 hrs
Cremations and Children by Dr Ann Dent PhD., S.R.N., Chair of the Bereavement Research Forum and Bristol Bereavement Forum
11.30 hrs
A View from CRUSE by Ann Baldwin MSc., BEd(Hons), Cert.Ed, RN, RM, Training Advisor for CRUSE South West Regional, Chairperson and Training Co-ordinator for North Devon Branch
11.45 hrs
"Break-Out" Session followed by Questions
13.00 hrs
Delegates' Lunch
14.30 hrs
Opening of the Afternoon Session by Stephen White
14.35 hrs
A Local Authority Perspective on Improving the Crematorium for the Bereaved by Dawn Squires BA(Hons), Manager for the Joint Crematorium Committee responsible for Eltham Crematorium
14.50 hrs
The Private Company Crematorium Manager's Perspective by Jennifer Yardley BA(Hons), M.I.C.C.M., Area General Manager, Dignity
15.05 hrs
The Code of Cremation Practice by Rick Powell, President of the Federation of British Cremation Authorities, and How it can be Improved for the Benefit of Mourners by Roger Arber, Secretary of the Cremation Society of Great Britain
15.35 hrs
Complaints - How Do We Approach Them? by Professor Geoffrey Woodroffe MA (Cantab), Solicitor and Director of the Consumer and Commercial Law Group, Brunel University
15.55 hrs
"Break-Out" Session
16.15 hrs
Speakers' Panel
9.30 hrs
Cremation in Japan - Update by Shoji Eguchi, President of Taiyo Chikuro Industries Co Ltd
10.00 hrs
The New Reykjavik Crematorium Complex, Iceland by Thórsteinn Ragnarsson, Director of Capital Area Cemeteries (CAC), Reykjavik
10.30 hrs
Crematoria in Israel - Judaism & Bureaucracy vs Freedon of Choice by Alon Nativ, Chief Executive Officer of Aley Shalechet (Autumn Leaves) Ltd
10.45 hrs
11.00 hrs
"Dissolution" - A Mercury Free Alternative to Cremation by Sandy Sullivan BA(Hons), President of WR2 Ltd covering Europe, Middle East Gulf and Africa
11.30 hrs
Where did all the Ashes go? Findings from a study of the destinations of ashes removed from crematoria by Professor Jenny Hockey BA, PhD, Chair of Sociology at Sheffield University; and Professor Emeritus Leonie Kellaher BSc, Emeritus Professor in the Cities Institute at London Metropolitan University
Break for lunch
14.15 hrs
Abate or Burden Share - It's Your Decision by Brendan Day MBA, FICCM(Dip), Manager of the CAMEO abatement scheme
14.45 hrs
Flameless Combustion by Frederick Pearson M.I.E.E., Chairman, Kingsland Energy Limited
15.15 hrs
Presidents' Panel
Moderator: Mr Harvey Thomas CBE
Rick Powell, President, Federation of British Cremation Authorities
Simon Fishes, President, Co-operative Funeral Services Managers Association
Keith Rackham, President, National Association of Memorial Masons
Chris Parker, President, The National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors
David Grainger, President, British Institute of Funeral Directors
Closing of Conference
Conference Banquet