The Hilton Newcastle Gateshead Hotel
Monday 7th, Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th November 2008
11.00 hrs
Opening of Exhibition
14.15 hrs
Opening of the Conference by Professor Hilary Grainger, Member of the Council of the Cremation Society of Great Britain
Cremation Regulations - Consolidation and Modernisation - Update - by Brian Patterson, Member of Current Coroners Policy Team, Ministry of Justice
Cemeteries the New Parks by Bill North, Community Development and Leisure Services Manager, Macclesfield Borough Council
15.15 hrs
Refreshment Break and Exhibition
15.45 hrs
Conference continues
A New Crematorium for Milton Keynes - "Ticking all the Green Boxes" by Adrian Morrow, Principal Architect, Architecture MK
Abatement - "The Real Challenge - The True Costs" by Adrian Britton, Commercial Director, Westerleigh Group Plc.
17.30 hrs
Drinks Reception and Exhibition
09.30 hrs
Chairman John Rotherham, President of the Federation of Burial and Cremation Authorities
Developing Crematoria in Russia by Dieter Zahn, Geschaftsfuhrer, IFZW Indusrieofen und Feuerfestbau GmbH
Take it with you when you go: Mausolea, Catacombs and Vaults of the 21st Century by Dr. Julian Litten FSA, member Association of Burial Authorities Executive
10.30 hrs
Refreshment Break and Exhibition
11.00 hrs
Conference continues
Infection Control for Bereavement Services by Andrew Platts, Anubis Consulting Ltd
Management of Trees in Cemeteries and Burial Grounds (In light of new HSE Guidance) by Nigel Fagg, Consultant - Arboricultural Association
12.30 hrs
Buffet Lunch and Exhibition
14.00 hrs
Chairman John Clarke OBE, Director of the Association of Burial Authorities
Memorial Safety by Richard Broughton, Health and Safety Executive Chairman of the BCAG sub-group on memorial safety
Scottish Burial and Cremation Law Reform by Sheriff Bob Brodie, Chairman, Law Reform Working Party
15.15 hrs
Refreshment Break and Exhibition
15.45 hrs
Conference continues
What is so special about cremation in France? by Pierre Vidallet, Président et Directeur Général, La Société des Crématoriums de France
The Design and Layout of Cemeteries: Opportunities and Restraints by Michael Howe MA(RCA)RIBA, mae LLP Architects, Stoneguard Phoenix Premier Award Winner 2007
17.30 hrs
Drinks reception in Exhibition area
09.30 hrs
Chairman Revd Dr Peter Jupp, Chair of the Council of the Cremation Societuy of Great Britain
Improving the Process of Death Certification by Simon Bennett, Clinical Programme Directorate Department of Health
CAMEO Update by Brendan Day, CAMEO Manager
10.30 hrs
Refreshment Break and Exhibition
11.00 hrs
Conference continues
Jewish Approaches to Death and Funerals by Rabbi Ian Morris, Chair of the Assembly of Rabbis (Reform)Sinai Synagogue, Leeds
Burial Customs and Contemporary Issues Facing the Muslim Faith by Dr. Mohammed Kassamali, Imam of Burton Street Mosque, Peterborough
Crystal-Air: Advances in Crematorium Emissions and Mercury Abatement Management by Malcolm Gorst, Managing Director, Crystal Technica
12.30 hrs
Buffet Lunch and Exhibition
14.00 hrs
Chairman Stephen White, Member of the Council of the Cremation Society of Great Britain
Tale of Two Scandals: Burial and Cremation in Aberdeen, 1899 and 1944 by Revd. Dr. Peter Jupp, Chairman, The Cremation Society of Great Britain
Provision and Management of Burial Grounds by Andrew Tucker, Deputy Head of Burials Team, Coroners Unit, Ministry of Justice
15.15 hrs
Refreshment Break and Exhibition
15.45 hrs
Conference continues
Presidents' Panel, Moderator: Professor Geoffrey Woodroffe
Adrian Pink, British Institute of Funeral Directors
John Rotherham, Federation of Burial and Cremation Authorities
John Tempest, British Institute of Embalmers
Graham Lymn, National Association of Funeral Directors
17.30 hrs
Closing of Conference
19.45 hrs
Conference Banquet