The Royal Bath Hotel, Bournemouth
Monday 6th, Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th November 2009
14.15 hrs
Opening of the ConferenceWelcome by Chairman: Revd. Dr. Peter Jupp followed by words of Opening from President of the Cremation Society of GB and President of Federation of Burial and Cremation Authorities
The Rating Valuation of Crematoria and Burial Grounds by Graeme Smale, Specialist Rating Unit, Valuation Office Agency
Technologies for Cremation by Salvatore Mineo, Quality Assurance, Gem - Matthews International S.R.L.
15.15 hrs
Refreshment Break
15.45 hrs
Conference continues
Tell Us Once by Melanie Scott, Local Authority Liaison Tell Us Once Programme, Department for Work and Pensions
Between Two Fires: Cremation in the 20th-21st Centuries, Romania by Dr Marius Rotar, Researcher, '1 Decembrie 1918' University of Alba Iulia
17.00 hrs
Drinks Reception in Exhibition area
09.30 hrs
Chairman John Clark OBE, Director of the Association of Burial Authorities
Water Conservation Through Efficient Land Drainage by Steve Gant, General Manager, Dignity Crematoria and Cemeteries
Cremation in Greece by Antonis Alakiotis, President of The Committee for the Right of Cremation in Greece
10.30 hrs
Refreshment Break
11.00 hrs
Conference continues
Memorial Safety by Anton Matthews and Stephen Laing, Stone-Safe
Not Quite King Tut! by Peter Mitchell, Peter Mitchell Associates
12.30 hrs
Buffet Lunch
14.00 hrs
Chairman Stephen White, Member of the Council of the Cremation Society
Bereavement Awareness Training by John Parson, Service & Development Manager, Cruse Bereavement Care
Resomation Update - A great concept becoming reality by Sandy Sullivan, Managing Director, Resomation Ltd
15.15 hrs
Refreshment Break
15.45 hrs
Conference continues
Cremation (England and Wales) Regulations 2008 - The First Six Months:
Stakeholder Panel, Chair: Harvey Thomas CBEB
Brian Patterson, Coroners Unit, Ministry of Justice
Dr Chris Stretton, Medical Referee, Gloucester Crematorium
Patrick Gallagher, President, National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors
John Rotherham, President, Federation of Burial and Cremation Authorities
17.00 hrs
Drinks reception in Exhibition area
09.30 hrs
Chairman Gordon Hull, Member of the Executive Committee of the Federation of Burial and Cremation Authorities
Money to Burn? Gas Consumption in Crematoria (Management Techniques) by Andrew Mallalieu, Vice-President Technical Affairs, Facultatieve Technologies Ltd
Four Funerals and a Wedding - Reforming Parochial Fees Legislation by Sarah Smith, Senior Policy Adviser, The Archbishops� Council of the Church of England
10.30 hrs
Refreshment Break
11.00 hrs
Conference continues
Crematoria Abatement of Mercury Emissions Organisation (CAMEO)
Brendan Day, CAMEO Manager
Richard Barradell, Secretary and Treasurer, Association of Private Crematoria and Cemeteries
Adrian Britton, Commercial Director, Westerleigh Group Ltd
Tony Hall, Stuton Associates Limited
12.30 hrs
Buffet Lunch
14.00 hrs
Chairman Anthony D McCarthy, Member of the Council of the Cremation Society
Pandemics - How Prepared Are You? by Andrew Platts, Managing Director, Technochem UK Ltd (incorporating Anubis Consulting) and Duncan McCallum, Secretary of The Federation of Burial and Cremation Authorities
15.15 hrs
Refreshment Break
15.45 hrs
Conference continues
Presidents' Panel, Moderator: Harvey Thomas CBE
Phil Hoggarth, Co-operative Funeral Service Managers� Association
John Rotherham, Federation of Burial and Cremation Authorities
Martin Birch, Institute of Cemetery & Crematorium Management
Sue Saville, National Association of Funeral Directors
Patrick Gallagher, Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors
17.00 hrs
Closing of Conference
19.45 hrs
Conference Banquet