The Holiday Inn, Straford-upon-Avon
Monday 5th, Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 7th November 2010
14.15 hrs
Opening of the Conference Welcome by Chairman Professor Geoffrey Woodroffe, Member of the Council of the Cremation Society followed by words of Opening from President of the Cremation Society of GB and President of Federation of Burial and Cremation Authorities
The Move from Public to Private by Adrian Britton BSc, FCA Commercial Director, Westerleigh Group Ltd
The Revision of the PG5/2(04) Guidance Notes by Andrew Mallalieu BSc, MEI, CEng, Vice President Technical, Facultatieve Technologies
15.15 hrs
Refreshment Break
15.45 hrs
Resomation Debate Moderator: Harvey Thomas CBE, Chair of the Council of the Cremation Society
Sandy Sullivan, BA (Hons), Managing Director, Resomation Ltd
Peter Mitchell, FICCM (Dip), Peter Mitchell Associates
Colin Rickman, Dip.F.D., BIE, UK Business Development & Standards Manager, Co-operative Funeralcare
Roger Arber, Secretary, The Cremation Society of Great Britain
17.00 hrs
Drinks Reception in Exhibition area
09.30 hrs
Chairman Stephen White, Member of the Council of the Cremation Society
Cremation in Sweden - Country Report by Ulf Lagerstr�m LLM, Trustee of the Swedish Federation of Cemeteries and Crematoria and President of the ICF (1997-2005)
Pandemic Planning - Update by Ahmed Azam, Pandemic Flu Co-ordination Team Leader, Home Office
10.30 hrs
Refreshment Break
11.00 hrs
Improving the Process of Death Certification in England and Wales by Simon Bennett Head of Clinical Governance, Clinical Policy and Strategy, Department of Health
The Cremation (England and Wales) Regulations 2008 by Judith Bernstein MA, LLM, Head of Current Coroner Policy, Ministry of Justice
12.30 hrs
Buffet Lunch
14.00 hrs
Chairman John Clark OBE, Director of the Association of Burial Authorities
Local Authority Management of Closed Churchyards by John Rotherham, Bereavement Services Manager, Chesterfield Borough Council
Requirements for Cemetery Developments by Dr Richard Earl PhD, MSc, HND (Dist), CEng, FIAgrE, Managing Director, TurfTrax Ground Management Systems, and Peter Mitchell FICCM (Dip), Peter Mitchell Associates
15.15 hrs
Refreshment Break
15.45 hrs
Safety and Conservation of Monuments - the Legal Perspective by The Right Worshipful Timothy Briden MA, LL.B, Vicar-General of the Province of Canterbury; Chancellor of the Dioceses of Bath & Wells and Truro; Deputy Chancellor of the Diocese of Bristol; Chairman of the Ecclesiastical Judges Association
Recent Changes to Standards and Qualifications in the Memorial Industry by David Quinn Cert Ed, Development Officer, British Register of Accredited Memorial Mason
17.00 hrs
Drinks reception in Exhibition area
09.30 hrs
Chairman John Rotherham, Deputy President, Federation of Burial and Cremation Authorities
A New Crematorium for Sandwell MBC by Brendan Day, Bereavement Services Manager, Sandwell MBC, and Martin Critchell, ARIBA, Martin Critchell Architects
The Cremation Movement in Japan byDr Shoji Eguchi, President, Taiyo Chikuro Industries Co Ltd
10.30 hrs
Refreshment Break
11.00 hrs
The Remarkable Rise of Cremation in a Scottish City: Glasgow 1930-1962 by Revd Dr Peter Jupp MA, MTh, MSc, PhD, FRSA and Professor Hilary Grainger BA(Hons), PhD, FRSA, Research Fellows, Dept of Theology and Religion, Durham University
Dying Matters: Raising awareness of dying, death and bereavement by John Palmer, Head of Communications, Dying Matters Coalition
12.30 hrs
Buffet Lunch
14.00 hrs
Chairman Adrian Britton, Commercial Director, Westerleigh Group
Funeral Pyres in a Legal Limbo? by Stephen White MSc (Wales), Dip Crim (Cantab) 1965 (Criminology), BA (Oxon) 1964 (Jurisprudence) Member of the Council, The Cremation Society of Great Britain, Research Fellow, Dept of Theology and Religion, Durham University
Cremation in Israel - Sustainability in adversity leads to creativity by Alon Nativ, Chief Executive Officer, Aley Shalechet (Autumn Leaves) Ltd
15.15 hrs
Refreshment Break
15.45 hrs
Presidents� Panel, Moderator: Harvey Thomas CBE
Isabel Mattick, Federatrion of Burial and Cremation Authorities
Philip Blatchly, National Association of Funeral Dirrectors
Kenneth Satterly, British Institure of Funeral Directors
Douglas Swan, National Association of Memorial Masons
17.00 hrs
Closing of Conference
19.45 hrs
Conference Banquet