The Grand Hotel, Bristol
Monday 4th, Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 6th July 2011
14.15 hrs
Opening of the Conference Welcome by Rev Dr Peter Jupp, Member of the Council of the Cremation Society followed by words of Opening from President of the Cremation Society of GB and President of Federation of Burial and Cremation Authorities
Revision of the Process Guidance Notes Andrew Mallalieu, BSc, FEI, C.Eng, Vice President, Technical, Facultatieve Technologies
Death and Technology: Shifts in Applications and Public Perceptions John Troyer, Ph.D., Deputy Director, Centre for Death & Society
15.15 hrs
Refreshment Break
15.45 hrs
ICF Country Report Jerry Sullivan (USA)
British Crematoria in Public Profile Professor Douglas Davies, Ph.D., D.Litt., Hon. Dr. Theol. Department of Theology and Religion, University of Durham
Arnos Vale - Past, Present and Future Juliette Randall, MSc, Chief Executive of the Arnos Vale Cemetery Trust
17.00 hrs
Drinks Reception in Exhibition area
09.30 hrs
Chairman John Rotherham, Deputy President, Federation of Burial and Cremation Authorities
ICF Country Report Rick Powell (Great Britain)
Coroners' Inquests and Coronial Reform Debbie Kerslake, Chief Executive, Cruse Bereavement Care, Postgraduate Diploma in Public Sector Management, Postgraduate Diploma in Social Work (CQSW), BA Hons
10.30 hrs
Refreshment Break
11.00 hrs
'All in Decent Order': aspects of disused burial grounds and inscriptions on monuments The Right Worshipful Timothy Briden MA, LL.B, Vicar-General of the Province of Canterbury
Heat Recovery from Cremators
(a) Redditch Crematorium Energy Recovery Project Brain Heap, Goldray Ltd
(b) How It Works at Oakley Wood Pamela Chivers, Bereavement Srvices Manager, Mid-Warwicks Crematorium
(c) The Politics and Publicity Issues of Introducing the Crematorium Energy Reocevery Ceridwen John, Msc, Bsc, Climate Manager, Bromsgrove District and Redditch Borough Councils Policy, Performance and Partnerships Directorate
12.30 hrs
Buffet Lunch
14.00 hrs
Chairman Stephen White, Member of the Council of the Cremation Society
ICF Country Report Pierre Vidallet (France)
Improving the Process of Death Certification, Paul Ader, working with the DH Death Certification Programme
15.15 hrs
Refreshment Break
15,45 hrs
ICF Country Report Gabriele Righi (Italy)
16.00 hrs
Panel Discussion: Current Issues Facing the Cremation Sector Moderator: Harvey Thomas CBE
Peter O'Neill, Chief Executive Officer, National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors
Steve Grant, Manager of Dignity Crematoria and Cemeteries
Professor Douglas Davies, Ph.D., D.Litt., Hon. Dir. Theol., Professor in the Study of Regligion, University of Duyrham
17.00 hrs
Drinks reception in Exhibition area
9.30 hrs
Chairman John Clark OBE, Director of the Association of Burial Authorities
ICF Country Report Darryl Thomas (Australia)
CBR: Contaminated Body Storage, Autopsy and Disposal Dave Butler, BEM, Technical Delivery Manager, KBR
Repatriation: Rhetoric v Reality Emerson De Luca, Managing Director, Albin International Repatriation
10.30 hrs
Refreshment Break
11.00 hrs
Japanese Tsunami - The Aftermath Dr Shoji Eguchi, Dr of Environmental Engineering at Kyoto University; President, Taiyo Chikuro Industries Co Ltd
Abate or Burden Share - only 18 months to decide! Brendan Day, Bereavement Services Manager, Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
12.30 hrs
Buffet Lunch
14.00 hrs
Chairman Gordon Hull, President of the Federation of Burial and Cremation Authorities
ICF Country Report Henry Keizer (The Netherlands)
Update from the Ministry of Justice on Coroner, Cremation and Burial Matters Judith Bernstein, MA, LLM. Head of Coroners, Burials, Cremation and Inquiries Team
Public Graves - A New Era John Rotherham, Deputy President, Federation of Burial & Cremation Authorities
15.15 hrs
Refreshment Break
15.45 hrs
Presidents' Panel, Moderator: Harvey Thomas CBE
Graeme Easton, British Institure of Funeral Directors
Gordon Hull, Federatrion of Burial and Cremation Authorities
Ian Quance, Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management
Andrew Pargetter, National Association of Funeral Dirrectors
John Smiht, National Association of Memorial Masons
17.00 hrs
Closing of Conference
19.45 hrs
Conference Banquet