The Hilton Hotel, Newcastle Gateshead
Monday 2nd, Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th July 2012
14.15 hrs
Opening of the Conference by Rt. Hon. the Earl Grey, President of the Cremation Society of GB and Gordon Hull, President of Federation of Burial and Cremation Authorities
Revisiting British Crematoria in Public Profile Professor Douglas Davies, Ph.D., D.Litt., Hon.Dr.Theol., AcSS, FLSW.
14,55 hrs
The new PG5/2(12) Guidance Notes for Crematoria Andrew Mallalieu, BSc, FEI, C.Eng, Vice President Technical, Facultatieve Technologies
15.30 hrs
Refreshment Break in Exhibition Area
16.00 hrs
CAMEO: Implementation arrangements for 2013 Brendan Day MBA FInstCCM, CAMEO Manager
16.30 hrs
Certification of Death (Scotland) Act 2011 Dr C George M Fernie, LL.B., MB., ChB., MPhil., FFFLM, FRCGP, FRCP Edin., DFM, President, Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians
17.00 hrs
Drinks Reception in Exhibition area
09.30 hrs
What happens if you cannot afford a funeral? Reviewing the Funeral Payment Scheme Dr Kate Woodthorpe, PhD, MA, BA(Hons), Dip.
10.00 hrs
Current Changes in Burial & Cremation Law - A New Approach Ron Dunn, Dunn & Co and Graham Reddie, Solicitor (Retired)
10.30 hrs
Refreshment Break in Exhibition Area
11.00 hrs
Death Certification Update Dr Paul Ader, working with the DH Death Certification Programme/
11,45 hrs
Natural Burial and The Church of England (film) Professor Douglas Davies, Ph.D., D.Litt., Hon.Dr.Theol., AcSS, FLSW.
12.30 hrs
Buffet Lunch in Exhibition Area
14.00 hrs
Green Flag - its Application and Impact Michele Walde, Assoc CIPD/
14.45 hrs
Update from the Ministry of Justice on Coroner, Cremation and Burial Matters Judith Bernstein, MA, LLM, Head of Coroners, Burials, Cremation and Inquiries Team, Access to Justice, Justice Policy Group, Ministry of Justice
15.15 hrs
Refreshment Break in Exhibition Area
15.45 hrs
Panel Discussion - Issues Facing Burial and Cremation Authorities: Coffin Standards; Retention of Cremated Remains; New Registration Offices, Children's Fees (etc) Moderator: Harvey Thomas CBE
Judith Bernstein, MA, LLM, Head of Coroners, Burials, Cremation and Inquiries Team, Access to Justice, Justice Policy Group, Ministry of Justice
Alan Daws, Consultant, Funeral Furnishing Manufacturers Association
Steve Pearce, President, National Association of Funeral Directors
Rick Powell, Secretary of the Federation of Burial and Cremation Authorities and Vice-President of the International Cremation Federation
17.00 hrs
Drinks reception in Exhibition area
9.30 hrs
Making savings and increasing income through low carbon energy Adam Davidson, Director, Walker Morris/
10.30 hrs
Refreshment Break in Exhibition Area
11.00 hrs
Cremation Act 1902 s. 5 (the 'distance' or 'radius' clause): the balloon and string theory of statutory interpretation Stephen White, MSc. (Wales). Dip.Crim., (Cantab) 1965 (Criminology), BA (Oxon) 1964 (Jurisprudence), Member of the Council, The Cremation Society of Great Britain/
11.45 hrs
New Frontiers in End of Life Celebration - Space Tom Walkinshaw, BA (Hons), Founder and CEO of Alba Orbital
12.30 hrs
Buffet Lunch in Exhibition Area
14.00 hrs
Wyre Forest - a move away from tradition Steve Gant, General Manager of Dignity Crematoria and Cemeteries/Authorities
14.30 hrs
Spirituality in Contemporary Funerals Professor Margaret Holloway PhD, BA, CQSW, Professor of Social Work and Director of the Centre for Spirituality Studies, University of Hull
15.15 hrs
Refreshment Break in Exhibition Area
15.45 hrs
Presidents� Panel, Moderator: Harvey Thomas CBE
Phil Hoggarth,British Institute of Embalmers
Gordon Hull, Federation of Burial and Cremation Authorities
Anthony Davenport, Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management
Steve Pearce, National Association of Funeral Directors
Brian Taylor, Co-operative Funeral Service Managers Association
17.00 hrs
Closing of Conference
19.45 hrs
Conference Banquet in Gateshead Suite