The Holiday Inn, Stratford-upon-Avon
Monday 1st, Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd July 2013
14.15 hrs
Opening of the Conference by Rt. Hon. the Earl Grey, President of the Cremation Society of GB and Gordon Hull, President of Federation of Burial and Cremation Authorities
Eccentric - The Life of Dr William Price, Dean Powell BA (English & Welsh Joint Hons)
14.45 hrs
Scottish Death Certification, Gareth Brown, Head of Blood, Organ Donation, Death and Sexual Health Scottish Government
15.15 hrs
Refreshment Break
15.45 hrs
CAMEO: What you should be doing now, Brendan Day MBA, Dip ICCM, Service Manager: Registration and Business Excellence, Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
16.15 hrs
A Coffin Standard for Cremation, David Crampton, President, Funeral Furnishing Manufacturers' Association
17.00 hrs
Drinks Reception in Exhibition area
09.30 hrs
The Flexible Application of Memorial Safety Guidance, Ron Dunn FICCM, MIPGS (DipPRA, DipRM) Dunn & Co
10.00 hrs
The changes to BS8415 and how they might affect you, Professor Stuart Moy, BSc, PhD, CEng, FICE, Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, University of Southampton
10.30 hrs
Refreshment Break
11.00 hrs
Resomation - An Update from the Working USA Installations, Sandy Sullivan BSc (Hons), Managing Director, Resomation Ltd
11,30 hrs
Is this the worst time to be bereaved?, Debbie Kerslake, CQSW, BA (Hons), CEO Cruse
12.30 hrs
Buffet Lunch
14.00 hrs
Update from the Ministry of Justice on Coroner, Cremation and Burial Matters, Judith Bernstein MA, LLM, ead of Coroners, Burials, Cremation and Inquiries Team, Access to Justice, Justice Policy Group, Ministry of Justice
14.45 hrs
Making Death Visible: The Future Cemetery Project, Dr John Troyer PhD, Deputy Director, Centre for Death and Society, University of Bath
15.15 hrs
Refreshment Break
15.45 hrs
Panel Discussion - Issues Facing Burial and Cremation Authorities, Moderator: Harvey Thomas CBE
Debbie Kerslake, Cruse
Judith Bernstein, Ministry of Justice
David Crampton, FFMA
Dr John Troyer, University of Bath
Topics will include coffin standards, retention of cremated remains, new registration offices, baby cremations
17.00 hrs
Drinks reception in Exhibition area
9.30 hrs
The 125th Anniversary of the Scottish Cremation Society and the Establishment of Maryhill Crematorium
The Scottish Cremation Society and Maryhill Crematorium (1893), Revd Dr Peter Jupp MA, MTh, MSc, PhD, FRSA
James Chalmers "A Scheme of Cremation For Scotland": Glasgow Maryhill, Professor Hilary Grainger, BA (Hons), PhD, FRSA
10.30 hrs
Refreshment Break
11.00 hrs
It could happen to you; Business Continuity Plans, Frederick Gentile MBE, BA (Hons), AMEPS, Dip MgmtRisk, Management Executive, Willis UK Retail
11.45 hrs
The Natural Death Handbook, 5th Edition, Rosie Inman-Cook, DnTprag, Manager, Natural Death Centre and Association of Natural Burial Grounds
12.30 hrs
Buffet Lunch
14.00 hrs
Reuse of Graves in London, Gary Burkes MICCM(Dip), Superintendent and Registrar, City of London Cemetery & Crematorium
14.30 hrs
Tommy's - Support for Mums and Dads who have lost their baby, Dr Beckie Lang BsC (Hons), PhD, PG Dip, Health Campaigns Manager, Tommy's, the Baby Charity
15.15 hrs
Refreshment Break
15.45 hrs
Presidents' Panel, Moderator: Harvey Thomas CBE
Scott Grigsby, British Institute of Embalmers
David Crampton, Funeral Furnishing Manufacturers Association
Simon Fisher, National Association of Funeral Directors
Ivan Ash, National Association of Memorial Masons
Richard Edwards, National Society of Allied and Independant Funeral Directors
17.00 hrs
Closing of Conference
19.45 hrs
Conference Banquet