Mortlake Crematorium Act, 1936
26 Geo. 5 & 1 Edw. 8 ch. xxi

Crown copyright - Reproduced with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office

An Act to constitute a joint board comprising representatives of the Hammersmith Borough Council and the corporations of Acton Barnes and Richmond to authorise the Board to provide and maintain a crematorium and for other purposes. [31st July 1936.]


4. In this Act unless the subject or context otherwise requires -

"The Board" means the Mortlake Crematorium Board;

Application of Cremation Act 1902


34. On and after the appointed day the Board shall have and may exercise and perform and shall be subject to all the powers duties and liabilities of a burial authority under the Cremation Act 1902 and the provisions of that Act shall extend to the Board as if they were herein re-enacted and in terms made applicable to this Act and to the Board:

Provided that -

(1) section 5 (No crematorium within two hundred yards of house) shall not apply in respect of any crematorium to be constructed upon the land described in the First Schedule hereto;

(2) (a) in the application of the said section 5 to the Board the restriction imposed by that section the restriction imposed by that section upon the construction of a crematorium near to a dwelling-house shall not apply with reference to any dwelling-house situate at a greater distance than one hundred yards from the site of a proposed crematorium nor to any new dwelling house.

(b) For the purposes of this proviso-

the expression "new dwelling-house" means any dwelling-house the erection or placing in position of which is commenced on or after the date on which public notice of the application to the Minister for his approval of the plans and site of a proposed crematorium is first given by the Board;

the expression "public notice" means a notice which is advertised in a newspaper circulating in the locality of the site in question and is displayed upon a conspicuous part of that site; and

the expression "site of a proposed crematorium" means the land which is proposed to be covered with a building intended to be used for the purpose of burning human remains.


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